Customer Stories

TentBox Takeover: Bringing people together
The perfect opportunity to meet like-minded people

Adventure time in the TentBox Classic 2.0
Family camping adventures made easy

Coastal views from a new perspective
Suzanne shares her beachside setup

A great addition to the adventure lifestyle
Ian tells us about his travels with the Cargo 2.0

Community Stories: Life with the Lite

Catching up with Lite owner Anthony
Anythony prepares for a big UK road trip

"Our only regret? We didn’t buy one sooner!"
Amy and Shaun explore the UK with their Lite

Travels With TentBox Lite: "The World Is Our Oyster!"
Kerri and her partner explore Scotland

Community Stories: Ali & Her Dog Midge

Community Stories: A Tour Of The Scottish Highlands And Northern Ireland

TentBox Community Stories: A Swiss Alps Adventure

How does the TentBox hold up in the cold?

TentBox Customer Jay Shares His Favourite Camping Experience

Cargo Adventures With TentBox Customer Ben

TentBox Owner Patrick Reviews The Lite
Patrick upgrades his van with a TentBox Lite

Travels With The TentBox Classic: Customer Stories

TentBox Customer Stories: Travelling With The TentBox Lite

Meet Rigsby The Travelling Cat

Where the Community has been this month
See where TentBoxers have been this month

TentBox Customer Stories: Paul Shares His Top Tips

TentBox Owner Ian Shares His Travel Tips

Top Travel Recommendations For The TentBox Lite

Adventures With The TentBox Lite: Abi’s Top Tips

4 Fantastic Places To Pitch Your Tentbox