Community Stories: Life with the Lite
Community Stories: Life with the Lite

Community Stories: Life with the Lite

Last update by Rachel
Feb 18, 2025

Ready to learn more about life with a TentBox?

We love hearing stories from our community, and we recently interviewed TentBox Lite owner, Chloe, who travels with her cocker spaniel, Rallye.

Take a look as she shares her recent travels with TentBox.

What’s your setup?

LandRover Defender 90 with a TentBox Lite on top.

What adventures do you go on with your TentBox?

I’ve used the Lite on campsites, nearly wild campsites and wild camp spots. It’s the perfect base for 4×4 adventures, mountain biking and trail running weekends.

It’s super quick to put up and break down, the overhang on the Lite makes a nice little shelter too if you don’t have an awning with you.

Who uses your TentBox?

I’ve travelled alone and with friends, whenever possible I like to bring my dog with me. There is plenty of room in the Lite, and it comfortably fits at least two adults, a dog and bags etc.

Tell us about your favourite TentBox memory

I recently went for a weekend 4×4 trip in mid Wales. Having a TentBox means the freedom to just head off on an adventure and take your accommodation with you.

We spent all day green laning, and then arrived at Coco’s Wild Camp for the evening. Despite having an incredibly stormy night, we stayed warm in the Lite (although the wind made things a bit noisy!) and woke up to beautiful views.

It’s super quick and easy to pack the rooftop tent back down, and head back onto the tracks.

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We love chatting with the TentBox community. It’s absolutely one of the best parts of our job.

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