Cargo Adventures With TentBox Customer Ben
Cargo Adventures With TentBox Customer Ben

Cargo Adventures With TentBox Customer Ben

Neill Shurville
Last update by Neill
Feb 18, 2025

The TentBox Cargo is one of our most loved models for the adventurer. It’s constructed from a rugged honeycomb aluminium sheet and is the slimmest in our entire range, making it super easy to take on and off the car.

The Cargo also comes with a set of roof bars which allow you to adventure with more than ever before. We asked TentBox customer, Ben, to share his most exciting adventure in the Cargo.

What do you use the TentBox Cargo for?

I’m the owner of an adventure company, running events up and down the country. Usually, I’ll be using my TentBox for these work trips or running D of E expeditions.

I’ll occasionally travel with my wife, Angela, but most of the time I’m in the Cargo on my own. Well away from the 100 or so young people out on one of our expeditions!

What’s your most memorable experience with a TentBox?

When we first got the Cargo my wife and I were excited to head off and try it out. So we drove down to Birling Gap on the south coast. It’s where we got engaged back in 2000 so have a bit of a connection with the place.

We got to the car park there at about 5pm and went down to the beach to enjoy a couple of beers as the tide went out and the sun went down. Then I cooked steak under the awning, washed it down with some red wine as the sun properly set for the night.

After dinner, we did a walk along the cliffs to see Belle Tout Lighthouse. The whole building was lifted and moved back from the cliff edge during the 90’s and is now a guest house.

Once back at the car park it was an easy job to pop the roof of the TentBox and throw in the duvet and pillows. I’d lifted the back seat on the car and put in a camping toilet for a little bit of privacy. We’d already set the car up on levelling ramps (well recommended!!).

During the night the wind picked up and was bashing against the end wall. So I got up, rolled away the awning and turned the car round to face the wind – all while Angela stayed in bed!!! Once facing the wind it was silent in the tent and we slept like babies!

A quick pack down in the morning meant we didn’t look as though we’d camped there overnight, just in case someone asked! Bacon butties cooked on the back of the truck were excellent and we were heading home by 9am.