Halloween Camping Ideas To Get Spooky
Halloween Camping Ideas To Get Spooky

Halloween Camping Ideas To Get Spooky

Neill Shurville
Last update by Neill
Feb 18, 2025

Happy Halloween!

We love camping on Halloween. Although the weather might be slightly drizzly this weekend, at 12-15 degrees it’s still warm enough to camp out. Plus, with spooky season upon us, a little bit of stormy weather can add to the atmosphere.

We’re sharing our favourite halloween camping tips for those who want to make the most of the last few camping weekends before winter.

people having a bonfire

Tell campfire stories

    The original way to set the spooky tone, telling ghost stories by the campfire is a great way to keep the kids engaged. If you’re in a group you’ll always be surprised by the spooky encounters that people have had, and you might even start to believe in the spirit of halloween a little more.

    There is something really wholesome about storytelling around a campfire, so even if spooky stories aren’t your thing, you can always read a short story aloud, or take it in turns to share a chapter of your favorite book. It’s a great way to get people off their phones and into the moment.

    Decorate your TentBox for Halloween

      If you’re visiting a campsite on Halloween, they might have some decorations up. But if not, you can always take your own and decorate your campsite with some carved pumpkins, spider’s webs and ghostly decorations.

      With the storage space in the TentBox, you’ll find it super easy to throw a few decorations in the car and you’re off! Plus, if you’re taking the kids, carving pumpkins and making decorations can be a fun wet weather activity.

      group of people sitting on front firepit

      Dress up for trick or treating

        If you’re camping on a camp site, trick or treating will be usually welcomed. Those who are open to trick or treat will often display signs outside their caravans or campsites to welcome children in. Or, you might choose to venture to the closest village and scare some of the locals.

        Dressing up is all part of the fun, so be sure to pack a couple of spooky outfits, witches hats or skeleton costumes and get involved.

        Spooky treasure hunt

          One of the best things about Halloween is the sweets! So if you’re camping on Halloween it can be great fun to make a treasure hunt and hide the chocolate and sweets.

          Top Tip: If you’re the one doing the hiding be sure to use a secluded area where you can remember where you hid the treats! It’s so easy to forget where you put them, but when you’re camping this can be a problem for local wildlife.

          2 white and brown cupcakes on clear glass plate

          Have a scary movie night

            There is nothing nicer than being inside a warm, cosy tent and hearing the rain fall around you at night. But to keep in line with the Halloween theme, why not watch a scary movie before you drift off to sleep?

            With the howling of the wind and the rustling of the leaves outside you might find that the movie is a lot scarier than you thought!

            Listen to a podcast

              If you’re not a fan of sitting round the campfire and telling stories, why not listen to a podcast that will do it for you?

              Some of the best podcasts for scary campfire stories are:

              • The No Sleep Podcast (Multi award-winning podcast that tells scary stories)
              • Spooked (True life supernatural stories)
              • LORE (True scary stories)
              • The Black Tapes (Horror fiction)
              • Dirtbag Diaries: “Tales of Terror” (Scary campfire stories)

              WARNING: these may not be suitable for children.

              Eat Drink and be scary signage

              Cook up a halloween feast

                Whether you want to prepare your halloween feast in advance, or cook it when you get there, creating a spread of halloween-themed food is super exciting.

                Try apple slices with mini marshmallows as teeth, or bake your own ghostly cakes and bring them along. With all the leftover pumpkin you might like to roast some over the fire, or toast the pumpkin seeds with some olive oil and salt for a delicious snack.

                Or, if you’re not feeling creating your own halloween feast, you can always pick things up from the supermarket and take it along.

                Whatever you do, we’d love to hear about it. You can tag us in your spooky Halloween pictures over on Instagram, using the tag .

                Have a spooky one!