Camp For Heroes Challenge, Camp At Home
Camp For Heroes Challenge, Camp At Home

Camp For Heroes Challenge, Camp At Home

Last update by Oliver
Feb 18, 2025

Although we’re stuck at home for the foreseeable future, it’s important to try and make life more interesting, and bring everyone together!

We’ve created this challenge, as a fun thing to do at home with the family, whilst also raising money for our NHS heroes who are battling on the frontline during these stressful and unprecedented times.

How to take part:

Step 1. Camp out at home ⛺

This is the fun part! A chance to have a little bit of adventure in your own home, and spend a night sleeping in a different way.

(If you can’t camp out at home, why not share an old photo of you camping, and help support the cause?)

Some fun ideas:

  • Set up a tent in your garden
  • Create a pillow fort in your living room, and hunker down for the night
  • Sleep on your drive if you have a TentBox, Campervan or Caravan

Don’t forget to take lots of pictures

Step 2. Donate £5

Seeing as we’ll be having an adventure, but not having to pay any campsite fees, we thought that a £5 donation would be achievable, and go a long way to helping out our amazing NHS staff. Donate to our Virgin Money Fundraising Page below:

Camp for heroes donation image link

Step 3. Post online & Challenge 5 Friends

Once you’ve camped out, and made your donation, post about your adventure online!

Remember to tag: 5 friends who you want to challenge to do the same

The Camp For Heroes Social Links:

Facebook logo for camp for heroes

About the cause

All proceeds are going to NHS charities together who’s mission statement is to support the welfare and the wellbeing of NHS staff as they fight COVID-19.

Our effort will be part of a larger campaign run by Virgin Money Giving, which has an overall target of raising £100 million. They’ve already raised over £25 million, so let’s do our best to help out that cause!

They will fund things such as:

  1. Funding well-being packs for staff and volunteers on wards/departments
  2. Cost of travel, parking, accommodation for NHS staff and volunteers Volunteer expenses
  3. Other items as requested by NHS Charities that enhance the well-being of NHS staff and volunteers caring for COVID-19 patients.

Good luck, and we hope you have fun with the Challenge!!