Terms and Conditions for TentBox Takeover Organisers

To organise and run a TentBox Takeover event you must agree to these terms and conditions. By agreeing to these terms and conditions when you sign-up to run
a TentBoxTakeover, a legal contract is formed between you and us. If you do not agree to follow these terms and conditions, please let us know, and you will not be permitted to organise or run a TentBox Takeover event.

We recommend you print and keep a copy of these terms and conditions with a note of when you accepted them.

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to our team at support@tentbox.com.

1) Planning and running your TentBox Takeover

a) I understand and confirm that:

i) I am aged 18 or older and am resident in the UK.

ii) I am responsible for the organisation of the TentBox Takeover event in accordance with these terms and conditions.

iii) I will run the TentBox Takeover on a not for profit basis and I will not charge any fees to people who wish to attend the event.

iv) I understand that TentBox is not responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by me when organising and running the event.

v) The event will be held in the UK.

b) I am responsible for and will:

i) make my booking for the event with the relevant campsite and confirm that each participant will be responsible for making their own bookings direct with the campsite;

ii) ensure that the campsite has all of the necessary insurances in place to cover the event (or I will take out sufficient insurance, if the campsite does not have adequate insurance in place).

iii) organise and run the event in accordance with these terms and conditions.

c) I will also run the event in compliance with:

i) The TentBox Takeovers (Meet-ups) Guidance

ii) The TentBox Safeguarding and Dispute Resolution Guidance, and I will take all reasonable steps to ensure event attendees also comply with this Guidance.

d) I understand and agree that TentBox bears no responsibility or liability for the TentBox Takeover event which I am organising. I understand that the event will not be covered by TentBox’s insurance.

e) When organising and running the event I will not do or not do anything which is likely to bring TentBox’s name, branding or products into disrepute or cause it damage.

f) If a representative from TentBox attends the event, I understand that they are attending as a representative of TentBox and that their attendance has no impact on my responsibility for complying with these terms and conditions.

g) I will inform TentBox immediately if any circumstances arises which might impact the reputation of TentBox or affect the future viability of TentBox Takeover events (for example if serious complaints are made in relation to the event or if potentially criminal activities take place at the event).

h) If any third parties or the media contact me about the event, I will refer all such enquiries to the TentBox

2) TentBox logos, branding and merchandise

a) I will not use any TentBox branding or logos without first obtaining TentBox’s permission and will allow TentBox to approve any materials which I propose to produce which incorporate TentBox’s branding or logos.

b) If TentBox agree to me using their branding or logo to create any merchandise for the event (e.g. car stickers, flyers, key chains), I confirm that I will bear all costs of creating these and that they will be given out to event attendees free of charge and that I may not sell any of these items either before, during or after the event.

c) If TentBox provide me with any equipment to support the event (e.g. TentBox banners, bunting or flags), I confirm that:

i) I understand that these are the property of TentBox and will take all reasonable steps to take proper care of the items to maintain their quality and condition.

ii) I will any return such items to TentBox (at TentBox’s reasonable cost) after the event.

iii) I will use the items in accordance with all instructions provided to me by TentBox.

3) What happens if I do not comply with these terms and conditions?

TentBox Limited, registered company number 10243845, with registered office address at Roman House, 39 Botley Road, North Baddesley, S052 9AE.

a) If understand that if I fail to comply with these terms and conditions or any of the TentBox Guidance noted above that TentBox may prevent me from running the event and future events.

b) Depending on the circumstances, I understand that might also be barred by TentBox from participating in any social media groups which it controls.

4) Other important terms and conditions

a) I understand that if TentBox need to contact me that they will do this using the contact details which I have provided in the booking form and I will ensure that these are accurate and remain up to date.

b) These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England.

c) TentBox can transfer our contract with you, so that a different organisation is responsible for its performance. We will tell you in writing if this happens and we'll ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under these terms and conditions.

d) You can only transfer your contract with us if we agree to the transfer.

e) If a court invalidates some of these terms and conditions, the rest of it will still apply. If a court or other authority decides that some of these terms are unlawful, the rest will continue to apply.

f) Even if we delay in enforcing any of these terms of conditions, we can still enforce it later.