Catching Up With TentBox Ambassador Jodie Craig
Catching Up With TentBox Ambassador Jodie Craig

Catching Up With TentBox Ambassador Jodie Craig

Neill Shurville
Last update by Neill
Feb 18, 2025

We recently caught up with TentBox ambassador, Jodie, to discuss her favourite trips with her TentBox. Jodie works for the ambulance service, and has been super busy during COVID-19. For her, the TentBox offers a welcome retreat from her busy day to day life and means that she can get away on short notice.

We loved chatting to her about all things travel and TentBox. Here’s what she had to say…

What Made You Opt For A TentBox?

I’ve always wanted to explore more, as I work in the ambulance service and sometimes it’s nice to get away for a break. Often I even just pop the tent up for a nap to catch up on sleep, as I love being out during the day if I’ve worked a night shift but I often will need to sleep if I’m working through the night again that evening. It’s super easy for me to get way with a TentBox, even if that’s just going somewhere beautiful for a lie down in the comfiest tent ever!

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What Trips Have You Been On With TentBox?

I’ve taken some awesome trips with TentBox. I’m lucky that I live in Scotland where there are no trespassing laws, which means that you can pretty much venture anywhere. I love seeing more of Scotland and just exploring the land on the North Coast. The North West of Scotland is so stunning and when the weather is good it’s the best place to be. We were really lucky the last time we went that it was 25 degrees and sunny. The beaches on that north stretch are so beautiful – you’d think you’re in the Caribbean! The beaches up there have white sand and crystal clear waters, so it’s unlike anywhere else in the UK.

My most recent trip was the North Coast 500. Due to COVID-19, we’ve been exploring more of Scotland recently and we’re loving it. One of my favourite spots is Aberdour, near Fife. Be warned though – you will need repellent! The midges on the North Coast are a nightmare, but luckily with a TentBox you can shut them out fully.

One of the more crazy trips I’ve been on with TentBox was driving from Scotland to Dover to see my mum swim the channel! She was bed bound for 10 years in 24 hour care, after a devastating injury left her with spinal damage. Unbelievably, she recovered and is fighting fit. She got COVID earlier this year, but that wasn’t going to stop her fulfilling her dream of swimming the channel. We travelled down with the TentBox to drop her off at Dover for her swim. She managed it and raised nearly £4k for those with spinal cord injuries – she’s amazing!!

Where Would You Like To Go In Future With TentBox?

In April I was meant to travel to the Netherlands, but that got cancelled so that’s still an aspiration. I was going to drive and do a 3 week tour stopping at a few places and I’d still love to do that. I’d like to see more of Europe and take the TentBox away. It’s so easy hopping on the ferry at Dover with a TentBox and then getting into Europe to drive anywhere. To be honest though, some of my favourite TentBox memories are just popping it up on a day trip after a long walk and having a much needed lie down after a night shift! I’m excited to do more of that kind of thing too.

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What Do You Love About Your TentBox?

I actually have a collagen condition which means that pitching a tent is pretty tricky for me, so a TentBox makes it really easy to pop a tent up. I’ve taken some amazing trips with TentBox that I wouldn’t have been able to do without it. I love that there are no worries with a rooftop tent, you can just pitch up anywhere.

The shelter from the weather is also a big one. No matter the weather, a TentBox keeps you safe and warm, which is really important when you live in Scotland where the weather can be unpredictable!